So, me(29f) have been seeing a guy(33m) for just over a month. I really like him, and he's said he likes me multiple times.

But this last week, his flirting through text has dropped to next to nothing and he doesn't seem to want to text me back as often. He left me on read this morning, and he still hasn't messaged back.

We still talk a lot, but i'm getting a vibe from his messages, like he's losing interest. His "Goodnight babe" texts have become "Goodnight!". The enthusiasm that was there initially has waned. When we talk through text we might as well be friends.

I sent him a cute selfie on Friday, and his reaction was "Dayum", but nothing close to what I got when we first started chatting. It was love hearts, "you're so beautiful"s.

Now, he has said, that usually he's not a big texter and that recently he hasn't been sleeping well. He has also said that he's not a big feeling sharer. If at all. So this could contribute, but i'm such an anxious person, I can't help be feel like he's fading me out.

Could this be genuine? Or is he losing interest?

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