( For late bloomers) And how tall are your parents?

  1. I got my period at 14, it was probably under 5 feet at the time. I’m now barely 5’ 3” and much older than 29 years old currently. 🙃 My parents were taller than me. I don’t remember how tall they were.

  2. Depends on the definition of “late” because mine was perfectly within the typical time to get your period, but it’s after the average age, so people usually respond by telling me mine was “late”. So I got mine at age 14, and I didn’t reach my adult height until age 19. But I’m 5’3 (161cm) and my mum was 5’3 and my dad is 6’2.

    But both my mum’s parents were/are 5’3 and my dad’s mum is 5’3, so my height was not affected by my period. 5’3 is average height for the men on my maternal side, tall for the women, and it’s average height for the women on my dad’s side.

  3. I’m 5’2. My mom is 5’2 and dad was 5’10. I was really athletic and ran cross country from 9-18. So my period didn’t start until after cross country ended a little before I turned 18.

  4. I think height is predominantly affected by genes and then by hormones, as I got mine when I was 11 and I’m 5”11.

  5. I was 16-ish and within a half inch of my full height at that point. I’m 6′ tall. Parents are 6’10″ish and 5’2″ish.

  6. 5’2”. My mom was 5’4 but she’s shrunk (thanks osteoporosis and back issues) but my dad is 6’1. I have 3 brothers – 2 of the 3 are taller than my dad

  7. I was in 8th grade, one of the last girls to get mine. I don’t remember how tall I was then, but I’m ~5’9 now

  8. 5’4″, I was 14.5, my mom is 5’5″ and my dad is 5’8″. My younger sister is 5’9″.

  9. I’m 5’8″, got mine at 16.
    My daughters are:
    (1) 5’2 period at 12,
    (2)5’6″ period at 10,
    (3)5’5″ period at 10,
    (4)5’11” period at 14
    (5)5′ period at 8
    (6)No period yet, 5yo but is already 4’4″

    Their dad is 5’9″.

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