I(16m) have been talking to a girl(15f) for about 8 months and in those 8 months we have become great friends. She was telling me who she likes and then i described to her who i like without naming any names and then about a month later she asked me to prom and we went. We had a fun time and then after i told her how i feel but i said i still just want to be freinds and i didn’t tell her the reason but it was because i won’t be able to hang out with her much during the summer because i would be at my dads in a different state and now she hasn’t been talking to me for about 5 days and at school she has been avoiding me. Once i finally got her to talk to me she said she just wants me to leave her alone and said i was being clingy. WHAT SHOULD I DO!

  1. She’s not communicating how she feels. If you care for her. Just text her saying that you’d appreciate if she could tell you how she feels, but if she doesn’t then maybe she’s not as good of a friend as you think. Either way, give her and yourself some space for now.

  2. I think not giving her a reason was a big mistake, as she probably interpreted it as you misleading her/leading her on. A good first step would be apologizing for that, and explaining that you wanted to remain as friends because of so and so.

    But what she’s really asking of you is for space while she’s dealing with a lot of emotions. I would just apologize and give her that space (verbally telling her that). She may not accept your apology, and if she doesn’t then the best thing you could do is let her go.

  3. She likes you and cares about you, and you hurt her feelings. She probably feels like you led her on for 8 months just to say you want to be friends. I don’t think she wants to stop talking to you, she’s just mad at you right now. Apologise to her, explain what you did, and ask her to be your gf.

  4. You fucked up you should have just told her the reason why you didn’t want to go further.

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