So my first post ever on Reddit 🙂

I (M35) have this weird vibe with a female at work (F26).

Some background info about me first:

My former girlfriend was 43. And my girlfriend before that was also older (4 years) than me. So I have never really been into younger partners.

I have dated some women in their mid 20s but it was a while ago so i cant really compare to any of my own experiences. And it has never worked out for me in that age range.

I have chosen to focus a lot on myself and my career in my life. It’s just about now, when I am hitting 35, that I can relax a little and enjoy life more than usual.

Present time:

So that brings the story up to date. Here I am, since 6 months back, at a new job. A really good job that has good pay, good benefits, and I just can’t complain about it, really.

I do sometimes eat lunch in a bigger dining room that is close to my office and in the same building.

Many of the same people eat here, and it’s where this female, age 26, frequently eats.

It all started within my first month at the job. She would give me this "stare of death?" Or horny stare? In the dining room. I just ignored it, and honestly, as someone who started a new job, I did not really have the capacity to pick up on this then and there. And to clarify, we don't work together or have any type of workplace relationship.

Time goes by, and as I am eating my lunch again, this same woman gives me this really long, intense glance again. At first, I thought I was making things up or that I was just looking for something that wasn’t there. It was really bothering me at first because, here I am, working and minding my own business.

Since it really started to mess with my brain, I decided to "investigate" this. I did an experiment by sitting at my usual place in the dining room, and while I was finishing up my lunch and standing up, I looked at this woman (she sat across from me at another table) and I caught her staring. Our eyes locked, and after what felt like an eternity, she broke our "stare contest" and started laughing by herself, all red in the face.

Some weeks later, I ran into her in the building, and I decided to introduce myself. It was a bit weird; we shook hands, exchanged names, and I told her it was time to say hello because now we have seen each other a couple of times. She did agree on that and laughed at the same time. She then became a bit red in the face, continued to pack her bag, and turned a bit away from me. So, I just left—it felt weird talking while someone stands with their back to me.

I took that as her being shy, so I gave it a try and texted her on Instagram, with no response. So I just left it at that.

Now, every time we run into each other, she says hello and smiles. We also exchange eye contact every time we pass each other.

Could it be that she did not see my Instagram DM?

I also managed later on to find out that she is in a relationship, which now really makes all of this weird for me.

I have adjusted my lunch hours so I can eat without having the feeling of being watched. She always eats with her friends there. We do run into each other sometimes, and she always smiles and says hi, but that’s it.

Can someone relate to this kind of behavior?

What can you make out of this?

I also just needed to get it off my chest because I really liked my peace and where I am at in life.

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