I went to a bar by myself a few months ago and there weren’t a lot of people in the bar so the few of us that were there were all engaged in a convo together. One of the guys that was there was EXTREMELY handsome and whenever he would look my direction I would bashfully look away, I was just stunned. I left the bar to go home after nursing one beer and I went a block up the street and saw the same unbelievably attractive man walking across the crosswalk. He came up to my car and said “you were just at the bar!” I asked him if he wanted to get in my car and go somewhere else. We went to a bar close to his house to be safe and I really enjoyed our conversation. He asked me to go back to his place and I said no because I just don’t hook up with guys like that and then he asked for my number and I said yes! But then I just kept talking and didn’t realize I didn’t give it to him ( I was really drunk at this point ) it was now 2 in the morning and we walked to his place and while we were walking up I heard something that sounded like a fart, now mind you I was wearing these shoes that suck to my feet when I walk so it does sound like that sometimes, and I wasn’t wearing socks so extra sucktion happening, I tried to explain this to him and he just got really quiet. When we got to his house he just walked to his door and waved goodbye and I was devastated. SO HANDSOME. I finally got along with someone and then I had to go embarrassing myself. I just saw him on hinge and I literally shed a tiny tear seeing him. wtf is wrong with me.

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