My husband and I have been married for almost 18 years. Within the last few years I have grown to just accept the fate of being married to a man that has no romantic bone in his body. Along the way I have given him clues of what I would like and even had us do a love language assessment at home to better understand what we each want. This entire year I have had divorce on my mind. I hate that the word even exists in my mind but I am sure that this is where I am headed. We lack communication, chemistry and connection in general. Our daily conversations consist of work and nothing else. I understand that life can’t always be about having fun but I have always had dreams of doing more. For a long time I have felt that he holds me back from a lot of my dreams. We have 4 children, a mortgage and a company, so there is a lot at stake. I have thought long and hard on this, i honestly feel that if I choose to stay I will hold resentment towards him for the rest of my life and I don’t want that. He’s a good man, good father and hard worker but I need chemistry, connection, and passion. Rather than find an affair that can fill that void, I am looking to divorce. I don’t want to hurt him but understand that this will hurt him. How do I tell him? What do I say? Simply saying that I’m not happy sounds stupid to me but it’s the truth. I feel unfulfilled, like I’m lacking more in a relationship and for now I would much rather just be alone and focus on finding myself again.

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