I work in an ice cream shop so naturally I have to be able to talk to people, even though I'm not very good at socializing, and this morning while I was working this group of three guys came in and one of them was asking me a bunch of weird questions. Here's how the conversation went(apart from my work lines):

Him: hey, what's your name?
Me: Um, (looks at name tag and back at the guy)
Him: oh, okay. So what ethnicity are you?
Me: I'm Dominican and Mexican
Him: I knew you were Mexican, one of them brown people. Do you speak Spanish?
Me(in Spanish): I can but not fluently, I only speak good English
Him(Also in Spanish): yeah, why don't you speak it?
Me(still Spanish): my parents just never spoke it with me, I only spoke it with my grandparents
Him (back to English): so how old are you?
Me: I just turned 18
Him: you still in highschool?
Me: no I already graduated

Then his friend came back from the table he was sitting at and told him to leave me alone. Then they started talking way to fast for me to translate and once the guy paid and left he winked at me and said he'd see me around.
I just thought it was weird and the whole conversation made me a bit uncomfortable since most customers don't try talking to me and it caught my off guard.

What do you guys think?

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