Should i keep talking to him?

I 19F have been talking to this guy 18M for about 4 months but we aren’t dating because i’m not ready. I feel like i’m leading him on and i feel terrible about it. i do like him but i just don’t think i’ll be ready. He really does like me (as he has been waiting forever) it’s just that he used to be friends with my ex since we all used to be in the same friend group. another thing is that i used to date 18M 4 years ago but it didn’t work out. He has told me he loves me and would do anything for me (and has shown it). he’s honestly amazing but being in a relationship to me feels like it would be taxing and i still don’t feel healed enough to take it to the next step. Should i just rip off the bandage and tell him that we can’t talk anymore? idk i just feel so bad because he does care about me but i just can’t.

18M nice guy i’m talking to but im not ready. He however is very ready. Been talking for 4 months.
what should i do?

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