He’s an old mate from years ago & don’t see each other often, in fact we haven’t spoken personally for about 2 years, just on FB etc.
He’s a complete piss taker but expects the same in return, Newcastle supporter, ex copper, plays golf, short arse like me.
Him & some other mates ‘decorated’ my premises for my 40th & got me some slippers, a flat cap & a pipe.
Don’t say ‘ a Sunderland shirt’ cos he’d bin it, using laundry tongs to pick it up so that would be a waste of money.
Unfortunately I can’t make his big bash & he lives 65 miles away, so I’m struggling.

  1. Spell out a rude message in cupcakes.

    Or alternatively – You’re just a Mackem in disguise.

  2. My mate had his 60th during the first COVID lockdown. I hadn’t seen him for about 18 months by this point.

    I spent ages making him a This Is Your Life style video. I got loads of people to send me clips retelling stories. The time he was in a brass band and missed his cue, the lost weekend on mescaline in Vegas, a long lost girlfriend who had ghosted in the 90s and still loved him, the 18 year old lad he tutored through his A levels.

    I presented it from the sofa, wearing a velvet jacket and cravat, and just linked each clip in my best Michael Aspell way.

    Thing is…. They were all entirely made up by each person (I didn’t even prompt them) and my mate had never met a single one of those people.

    I also paid £50 on Cameo for a message from a well known DJ to add a story. (That one *was* true, actually, and was the time he’d accidentally slagged this DJ off without realising he was behind him).

    My mate absolutely loved it.

  3. Could you get him a Sunderland top that is signed by the current Newcastle team or his favourite Newcastle player?

    That would really confuse him!

  4. Send various mailings to saga holidays, tena man , walk in baths etc anything you can come up with.

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