I 22F and my boyfriend 22M have been together for almost 4 years. I love my boyfriend I really do. We broke up for about 3 months and we just recently got back together hoping things would be different.

We are on a lease together, so when we broke up I was forced to pay everything alone. I was fine with this I just felt free. He didn’t contact me at all. I tried everything I could to get him back which finally worked, but now I don’t know if this is actually what I want. He’s so boring. He doesn’t plan dates, he can barely keep a job, he doesn’t talk, it’s driving me crazy! I’m 22 so I like to get drunk, party and try new things. We don’t do anything fun together unless I plan it. For example I like to take my dog swimming at the rocks, I invite him. When he comes he just sits around and won’t even put his feet in the water. When we go to bars he just sits looking around and doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t even laugh. I understand that he may just not like the same activities I do but he is more than capable of planning a day for us. I do not smoke weed. All he does is smoke. Literally all day everyday. He does whatever I ask him to do which I appreciate. I really do love him and I want to be with him but he’s just so boring and disconnected from everything. It makes me want to cheat on him, but I love him so much I can’t imagine doing that to him.

He doesn’t even tell me I’m pretty, I have to post so many pics just for sb to tell me how pretty I am. I think that I’m pretty but it just feels nice coming from your boyfriend. I don’t know what to do, I’m not sure if he’s depressed or what. I just want to have fun and make memories but the only memories I have with him are literally sitting in the house watching tv with him.

I literally have more memorable moments with my dog. He’s so closed off it’s hard for me to check on his mental health and where his head is at.

I am more than willing to continue the relationship with him if we can get past this. I am trying my best. I don’t know what else to do at this point I want to be with him because I love him and he is a good boyfriend BESIDES for him being boring af.

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