I have had "the talk" with my teenaged son and have a very liberal approach to sexuality. Basically I accept that teen sex is going to happen and I want him to be well informed and prepared.

I don't think me giving a super detailed run down is the right approach, my talk was focused on safe sex, wearing condoms, consent, etc.

I'd like to give him some books with more information but I'd like some recommendations first.

  1. Honestly if you’ve already had that discussion with him, there’s no need to beat a dead horse. I would let him to come to you if he wants advice or more information.

  2. I think the best lessons come from a boys father. I started talking to my boys around age 9 about sex and porn because they’re getting accidental exposure to it regardless how many restrictions you put on their devices.

    I just explained the mechanics of sex, told them the consequences of sex, that sex is good and not shameful but should always be practice safely and with consent(defined). And then emphasize that you’re a safe place to ask questions and you’ll never get upset or mad at them for coming to you.

  3. He is gonna get all the info on his own. You don’t need to do anything other than the basic talk.

    Have a drawer and put condoms in it. Tell him they are there and no record will be taken for how many are innthat drawer. He can have them or give them to friends.

    As a teenage guy there was nothing worse than buying condoms. But you wanted them cause no one wants to get pregnant. I mean with Amazon now it kinda helps cause you can order and they get delivered but not on your parents account lol. You’re not gonna stop teenagers from fucking. Parents have been trying and failing for ever and ever lol.

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