My(24F) boyfriends(32M) hates me?

So, forgive me if this is a bit all over the place.
I'll start with the fact that I've been in this relationship for a bit over 2 years now and we've discussed lots of future plans and such. It is long distance as of right now, but we visit each other throughout the year.

Recently, I came to visit while his family was also visiting. I already knew his mom didn't care for me, because she said so to him previously. She doesn't like my tattoos, my hair, I think she thinks I'm lazy? I don't even remember what all she said about me but it was pretty unkind. She told him he's selling himself short. Edited to add she probably just doesn't like that I grew up somewhat poor and didn't have good opportunities growing up. She hates that I didn't go to college.
Now, to this recent trip. I thought it had gone well. We all spent time together and I thought everyone mostly had a good time. We took some group pictures wirh all of us…
Now she posted these group pictures with me very obviously cropped out. Honestly this is one of the pettiest things I've ever seen a grown woman do. Just so rude and childish.
Here's where the advice I need comes in, I, nor my partner, know how to approach this situation. It's been bugging me a lot because it reminds me of when I got bullied as a teenager, she genuinely reminds me of my high school bullies, but given this is my partners mom?? What would you do?

TL;DR, my partners mom doesn't like me and has told my partner this. Recently she posted group pics of the whole family with their s/o's and painfully obviously cropped me out of them. How to approach this petty shitty behavior from her?

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