I have been out of the clubbing/party scene for so long, I don’t know how this works anymore. For context, I am 35F, looking a lot younger. I was invited by a friend to his party, where there were about 40-50+ people, mostly guys. It was the typical free flow drinks, and loud music. One of the guys (they’re probably all pretty young, late 20s?) really caught my eyes because he was really attractive, so I looked at him quite a few times and he did too (not sure if it was because I was looking at him though). Anyway, I didn’t get to talk to him because everyone at the party just talked along their friends and I wasn’t that bothered, but I decided to ‘try’ when I saw him getting a drink at the bar. So I was behind him and his friend asked what I needed, I said ‘express martini’ and this guy passed me the drink. I then walked to the corner-ish area if the bar table where there were less people. He saw me and said ‘I’m trying to get water’ to which I reply ‘ yes me too!’ But then didn’t make much eye contact with him. I was hoping he would come over to talk more but he didn’t, went back to his friends instead.

Juvenile post …. I was just wondering if he wasn’t interested? Because he would have came over right? Or I should have talked a bit more…

Wanted some male perspective on this.. i don’t anything with him except for a conversation, but a bit bummed out that I missed the chance to talk and have a good night.

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