Women who cut off a “nice guy” friend after he crossed a line, what did he do?

  1. Made a passive-aggressive comment after I had already explicitly told him that I wasn’t interested in sexual/romantic contact with him and that he had previously made me uncomfortable by pursuing that type of contact a few times.

  2. Tried to kiss me at a work event, after several years of friendship during which he’d met my husband several times.

  3. Tried to stick his tongue in my mouth while I was passed out drunk on the couch at a party in undergrad

  4. He started getting aggressive. The “how dare you say no to me. I am a nice guy. Your not allowed to say no to me” “you should be so lucky a nice guy like me even looked your way” “women like you are the reason nice guys like me turn bad” all because he tried to get grabby and I said no. Luckily for me I had already paid for my drink, I took myself there, he didn’t know where I lived and I had no purse on me. So I excused myself to go to the bathroom and a worker who had heard the interaction let me go out through the back door. I left took the long route home and blocked him on everything.

  5. Peeped over my shoulders as I was texting my brother to send my dad to pick me up and he made himself the victim by saying ” I’ve been so nice to you all this time and yet you’re texting some other guy and not talking to me”

  6. Started confessing his love for me all of a sudden in a kind of boundary crossing way because it became apparent he had these feelings for a while and was revealing his kind of creepy line of thinking – like “we were meant to be together” kind of stuff.

    The messages were long and on going.

    He then blamed it on too much medical marijuana use.

  7. We met at a community crafting space (makerspace), and that’s where we tended to meet up because he lived nearby and spent most of his time there. He showed me how to use several of the woodworking tools, and was friendly & helpful in general.

    We went on one date. (walking at a nearby park, then getting fast food afterward.) I thanked him for the time, but let him know that I didn’t think I could be romantically interested in him. I’d be happy if we could be friends. He agreed that was fine.

    After our 1 date, and I told him straight-up I wasn’t interested in pursuing it any more, he… stalked me, I guess? But only at the workshop, afaik.

    Whatever room I was in, he’d end up in that room, too. Always close enough to be in earshot, but always pretending not to notice me, striking up conversations with other people or focusing on his own project.

    I figured it was coincidental, until one weekend when I had a big cosplay I was working on, and had to hop between the sewing room, 3D printing room, and then across the building to the painting and resin space… and somehow he trailed into the room a minute or two after me, *every time.*

    Like, normally he did 3D printing and woodshop and *that’s it*. He had no reason to be in the sewing or resin spaces. It suddenly felt like he was trying to get me alone for some reason. Bad vibes.

    I asked him to stop, and he denied following me. I spoke to a makerspace leader about feeling uncomfortable, and generally outlined what had happened. He said he’d talk to him.

    The ‘stalking’ stopped, but I still felt on-edge like I ought to be aware of who was around me at all times. Since I couldn’t stop being uncomfortable and anxious, I left the makerspace. =\

  8. While I was crying in his car about my then on/off boyfriend who was on vacation: “let’s play a game to distract your mind. Truth or dare? I dare you to kiss me and forget about him”

  9. We were late teenagers. Blackmailed me by threatening to drown himself if I don’t date him. Then my grandma let him into our house while I was pretending to be sleeping in an attempt to hide from his company, and he watched me for an hour or so. Thankfully, he was never violent, but he would frequently tell me that no one else will love me like he did. I hope he’s right!

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