It’s late at night here (around 9pm), suns down and the pool at my apartment complex doesn’t close till 12. I figured since it’s night time it might be less active and I was slightly correct. Theres a few groups, all reeking of alcohol and there was one corner left I could relax in. I’m in for like 30 mins, hop out and relax on a chair for a bit. Now to preface this, I’m a bigger girl for the most part and of course have bigger breasts than most. So the top of my breasts were hanging out of my swim suit. Anyways, I’m on the chair with my towel cover my lower half and just scrolling through reddit when some dude walks up to me asks me what my name is. I pause for a sec and give a fake name since I’m already sus of him. He said nice to meet you, looks me up and down, and walks away. (He might’ve mumbled his name, I might just been too awestruck to hear it)

I’m new to this place so I don’t know if it’s normal for people around here to just ask each other’s name, but I still feel creeped out by it. Ive never had some guy walk up to me and say something like that, probably since I’m with my bf 80% of the time. So i don’t know if I’m overthinking it or if he was just being courteous because I was alone. But yes, I watched him walk back to his apartment and booked it out of there and made sure I wasn’t followed just in case. I live a ways behind his building so I don’t think I have to worry about him knowing where I live.

  1. He walked up to u and asked for your name? Wow girls these days really be thinking that’s creepy interesting.

  2. “I’ve never had some guy walk up to me and say something like that”
    That’s the reason it feels weird to you, but you’re 100% overthinking it. It’s common and completely fine for people to be asking each others names.

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