I think tonight I may be finally having sex with this guy that I have been reallyyy into for about a year now. We have insane chemistry and I love the witty, fun banter and our overall exchanges. I’m definitely more into this guy than he is with me and I’ve accepted that. What I’m struggling with is my confidence now.

He is so attractive in general but specifically to me and it makes everything about him more appealing but it also scares the hell out of me. I’m chubby and more plain looking and know that he is entirely out of my league. Obviously, he likes me enough to go on another date with me but I’m really nervous about him seeing me naked and realizing how much bigger I really look without clothes.

I’ve always been a little self conscious of my weight and looks but have never really let them deter me but I’ve also never been with anyone this attractive before. I’m really worried about it getting in my head and ruining the moment or something. I think I just want to get it off my chest and look for advice on how to feel less insecure :/


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