Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. Did you write out a list of your boundaries? Did you just think about or was there no process at all and you just knew?

  1. You have to love yourself and know your worth, know how you deserve to be treated.

  2. You have to start listening to your emotions. When something bothers you, you have to adjust your own behavior and find a way for that thing not to bother you. If you just let it bother you and wait for the other person to make a change then you’re not setting boundaries and you’re not building sustainable relationships.

  3. You learn and communicate over time. Some boundaries I didn’t even know I had but realized I needed. Honest communication really is the most important thing and other than that it’s been processing our feelings, and pinpointing what specific actions can be taken so that neither of us feels like we’re being pushed too far, hurt, or overstimulated.

  4. By communicating. I really like my privacy to be respected and I have stressed that many times.

  5. I tried out things that I weren’t used to, such as affection with my boyfriend, etc. At least once you try them once, you’ll know whether it’s your thing or not.
    I think in hindsight, if you’re unsure of your boundaries, the best way to figure them out is if you try out things and see if you like them or not. And the most important part is to make sure your partner understands your boundaries and you understand his/hers/theirs.

  6. I think to myself “what do I want” and i act on it or verbalise it. I want you to stop talking to your ex? I’m not faffing around with “it hurts my feelings” “i’m scared” “i’m jealous”. You just say “I want you to stop talking to your ex. It would improve the quality of our relationship.”.

    If they react poorly, they’re not for me and I moved on. Boundaries are about putting your desires into action, and sometimes that means letting those who cannot deliver, go.

  7. I just decided and figured out what I truly wanted in a relationship. going through many breakups has taught me to put my guard up when dating.

  8. It’s not a dumb question. For me, I went through life and sort of figured out the things I’d like in a potential partner and the boundaries I have for myself. Mostly just knew it

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