I had been wanting dress up like this for a while and so I did it. Kind of like Jim Carrey in The Mask. I was out with friends and wanted to look extra.

People approached me constantly. Many to take photos with me. Many danced with me or complimented me.

One woman danced with me later then made out with me and we exchanged numbers. But she hasn't replied to texts since.

I enjoyed my time at the night but there's this after taste. No one liked me but the outfit. I also didn't really feel comfortable with this attention I got, even though besides some snide comments it was overwhelmingly positive.

I was trying to express myself in a new way than I normally do and I really do like how I look in this outfit but it's the attention I didn't like in the end.

I just want to meet new women who will ask about me, want to get to know me. Is this too much to ask?

The women who approached me lost interest once I tried to talk to them.

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