This is the third and final time I'll attempt to post this. The reason why I'm reposting it is because the first two times I either got no advice, or the comments weren't showing up. I apologize for reposting this.

I don't have a lot of friends. In fact, I basically only have one friend from high school, and like, 2 or 3 acquaintances. I see neither on a regular basis so my day to day life is pretty lonely. I've tried to do social stuff, but most of those attempts fell through, and my area is pretty dead socially so new opportunities were hard to come by. I guess on the bright side, I'm moving into my university's residence hall in a few weeks.

I'm often ignored whenever I reach out. At best I'll get a typical "I'm so sorry I meant to respond!!!!" text from others, but then it's back to radio silence. They also tend to say no every time I ask to hang out.

I try to keep in touch regularly and just make an attempt to chat for a bit. I never ignore anyone for a long time and I make sure to get back to someone with in a good timeframe. I try to keep things light and funny, but it never works.

I'm assuming there's something wrong with me. Maybe I just expect too much out of others, or that I'm too pushy or needy. All I really want is a couple of friends, a couple of acquaintances and call it a day. But I can't even get that.

How do I achieve that? I'm partly assuming I have to change my act quite a bit. I'm not the most enthusiastic or social person. I'm lowkey most of the time, which I guess people think is disinterest.

I guess I also need to be okay with being the only initiator in my friendships. Going by experience, basically 100% of my friendships are ones where I'm doing everything, and I don't like the feeling of false hope that I'll have one that goes both ways. IDK maybe there's something I can get out of it.

I've tried the whole "be your own best friend" thing and I hated it. I don't think I even want a best friend.

So what should I do? I'll try to be more constructive in the comments.

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