Hi I’m a recent college student and wanna make friends and just have genuine fun with people but it’s been pretty discouraging. Everytime I’m around people I try to keep an upbeat attitude but when I decide to talk to someone idk if I’m ill prepared but il ask what’s ur name or major and maybe comment about what’s going on in the club im in but it never really goes anywhere and I somehow never really feel connected to the convo or the person much.

I also feel like I try to sound the same as everybody else when I talk to people. Asking your typical questions which I think is okay when first meeting someone but I find it hard to express myself or truly feel connected to the environment I’m in because I have this weird “self conscience” feeling I’ll try to shake but it bothers me and makes me feel like I’m outside a moment when I want to be in the moment and not thinking about ppl perceptions. It’s a very exhausting feeling.

Because of this and my inability to carry a fun engaging conversation I feel so stuck on making friends. I truly want to tho. I decided this week to join as many interesting clubs as possible but if I go there I don’t want to end up not having fun because I find it hard to start and carry a good conversation.

Any tips or practice I can do to overcome this? I have no friends and I just need specific steps to combat this I don’t want to be a lonely 30 year old in the future with no friends or stories to tell. Please I need help. I’m a girl btw if that makes a difference.

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