I [19F] have been talking to a [20M] guy that I’ve “known” (been around a few times amongst friends) for a few weeks. We had been on ONE date but had been texting every day. I invited him over to my place for a second date and it went alright, but on his way to leave says he "accidentally" knocked his car into neutral and "rolled" into my sisters parked car (If you're wondering, no his car is not a manual). It was super late so the damage didn't seem as bad because it was dark but we exchanged information so we could have this fixed. Come to find out this was his THIRD accident in a month and he was at fault for at least one of the other ones.

But in the morning when inspecting the car again, we found that there was an extreme amount of damage, and the car might end up being totaled. My friends/sister/neighbors agree it literally looks like he DROVE into the back of the car. Unfortunately, I didn't see what happened but I heard it when walking back inside. It sounded like he reversed really fast and then there was the sound of a collision so I ran outside thinking he had sideswiped my car, which was parked right next to his while pulling out too fast, but instead he had rear ended my sisters car. A car that hadn’t even been in our possession for a week at that point.

Unfortunately, when he was with me that night it was just us so he got in my head about not calling the police because “the damage wasn't that bad at all” and I believed him because he works on cars and knows more than me.

He refuses to admit anything else than he
"knocked it into neutral" but he was only parked a foot behind my sisters car. The extent of the damage (the entire back end of the frame of the car is inverted now and you can stick your hand into the trunk when it's closed) is way too much for this to happen from a little roll, in my opinion.

Of course, upon finding this out I decided after we get him to fix this, it was probably best to not continue seeing eachother and now he is mad at me and replying in one word responses with periods at the end of them (which he had not used periods previously).

I don't know where else to post this but would you continue seeing someone after they potentially totaled a new car??? Am I going crazy? He says this is such a stupid thing to not want to see him anymore for, that I’m being unfair and he says it’s going to mess things up because we have a lot of mutual friends (some of which have been messaging me telling me I’m being cruel, which is really making me second guess myself). Should I forgive him?

There is a high likelihood that he drove into the back of my sisters new car and I told him I don’t want to see him anymore and now he is mad and says that I’m being unreasonable.

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