I see those recommendations in women's magazines and I've never known any guy who really cared about that kind of thing. What about your situation? Do you guys know of like that kind of thing?

  1. I get notes every day from my wife in my work lunch, ranging from funny helpful tips, a piss take of my horoscope, loving, or occasional filth.

    She’s always done it, and I know I’m in the shithouse if there’s no note in work lunch.

  2. Not so much texting because I can’t always reply and then they get mad. But notes make me smile

  3. Hell no. When I’m at work, I’m focused on work. Texts, and especially calls, are a distraction.

  4. It varies from guy to guy. I know some guys like clingy women who are constantly sending texts throughout the day.

    I personally do not. I like to know a woman is interested in me and thinking of me from time to time, but I don’t want to be replying to texts all day long while I work.

  5. I would like a note in a lunchbox much more then a text. Text’s feel like they require a response, and that’s annoying. A note in a lunchbox is pure selflessness. Note: I’m making an assumption that the note doesn’t say, “can you stop by the store on your way home?”

  6. If I get a little note from someone I love, I will store it away and keep it forever.

  7. OMG yes God yes. Please always do that. I could be having the worst day of my life but a note from my wife or a text from her saying ” i love you so much and appreciate everything you do for our family.” will make that a great day.

  8. Yes. My last ex and I would leave each other notes all the time, and it was awesome.

    It’s not great when you find a note in some book or pocket post-breakup, though.

    Not a huge fan of constant texting but notes are cool.

  9. Are there any dudes out there who hate it when their partners do loving thoughtful displays of their affection for you?

  10. Yes. I love getting the occasional note or text. Just don’t overdo it  If a man says he don’t like that then he isn’t into the woman.

  11. My wife left me a sticky note in my lunch at the end of 2020 and it is still hanging in my work locker.

  12. My ex didn’t have a car so I ended up driving us on all our dates. Often, a day or so later, I’d find a cute little note tucked in a cupholder or the glove box, smelling like her perfume and in her impeccable handwriting, and I’d get almost dizzy with excitement to see what she wrote me. Total boss move.

  13. I love it! My fiancé and I leave notes to each other when the other will be home from work first. I carry a notepad with me at work and she had gotten to it and wrote little loving things to inspire me when I was feeling anxious.

  14. Hell yes. Emphatically, hell yes.

    Wanna make your man feel really fucking appreciated and important? Drop him a note in there on a day that you have a crap ton going on, are visibly stressed, and he knows you’re about to have a rough day.

    The adoration that your man will have for you that you prioritized him and your relationship even when you’re in the weeds… That’s how you make him feel loved and show him he’s important to you.

    Edit: lunchbox note, your handwriting. Not a text.

  15. Heck yeah. It shows that your wife is thinking about you and cares about you. Better than a note in the lunch box is a daily sexy selfie of the wife. That keeps the spark alive. Be thankful that you get them. Always respond that you appreciate them and more will come.

  16. My son used to hide hot wheels in my lunch box, and my daughter hid beanie babies in my jacket pockets so I dont get lonely. Little surprises can cure a shit day instantly and make the rest of the day pretty awesome.

  17. My girlfriend wrote a note in a notebook 8 months ago. It’s hanging on my toolbox at work and It will stay there till I die.

  18. Notes are sweet, texts throughout the day I would find kind of annoying because I feel like I have to answer them.

  19. A note in the lunch box would be cool, but naw to texts throughout the day. Unless it’s something serious, funny, or a meme

  20. Yes. It’s not the most important thing in the world, but it’s a very nice gesture.

    Little anecdote: I wrote a quick good luck note for my former roommate for defending his masters thesis as I left for bootcamp and didn’t see him before leaving. That note is still on his fridge several years later. He even moved it to his new fridge. I guess he never got one of those before or since.

  21. I do. My wife leaves notes, calls and texts often. I love it.

    She even hides Twinkies for me to find..including the one she hid under the pillow for me that ended up flattened..lol

  22. When we were dating and not yet living together, my now wife happened to have a running route that took her near my work. She would frequently leave me notes on my windshield. I loved it, and saved them all.

  23. Some guys definitely love those little notes and texts. It’s all about showing care, and some appreciate the thought behind it.

  24. Men like attention too. Some women completely forget that and do nothing in regards to giving attention, but always want attention, lol. For me, me last relationship was 1000% one-sided. I would do all the giving, she would do all the taking and that was it. She had serious things going on that I supported her with, so I understood but honestly it just got to be too much. Looking back, just a few “Hey big head” texts or some random notes would have made a HUGE difference.

  25. A woman who I was seeing used to randomly send me little videos that reminded her of me throughout the day, it was the only time I’ve ever known someone was thinking about me in their day and that made my day easier.

  26. My wife went on a 9 day business trip some years back.
    She left a small notebook on my pillow, each page was a note for me to read each day.

    That was 13 years ago, I still have the book.

    I still read it once in awhile.

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