Would you say something, just lay there until it’s over, would you walk out, etc.

Also, say he was the opposite sexuality of whatever you are.

I mean you’re laying in bed trying to sleep, him and his partner are in their bed and they start having sex. You’re awake so you hear this going on from the start.

  1. Knock on the door and say if you wanted a player 3 they could have just asked, no need to be so loud to attract my attention.

  2. It depends on what stage do I wake up are we about to be done with it or just starting?

  3. Well, I can’t imagine I wouldn’t wake up if she was trying to have sex with me.

  4. I mean, if he’s having sex with me while he thought I was asleep, I’d probably be like, “yo, wtf?”

    But chances are, if he’s my roommate and he’s having sex in the same room I am, I’m probably already involved in some capacity. If we’re in different rooms and he’s having sex when I’m not but is super loud & obnoxious about it, I’m providing running commentary, sportscaster style.

  5. I would act like I’m sleeping and say something like “stop (roommate name) texting Mandy…(snore)”

  6. I just threw a shoe at the wall. I heard the girl shriek because it scared her.

  7. I live with my brother and we always having company over. I just be chilling and laughing proud of my guy.

  8. Ive been in the dorms sharing a room and one roommate tried. I did say wtf and they left to go do it somewhere else

    When I first meet a roommate we set up rules and if we got a girl coming we give notice so the other person can be out of the way or just out doing something

  9. Are you guys sharing a room and you’re on top bunk? If theyre in a separate room they should be able to hang it out all day as long as they are reasonably quite. Do you guys have a no sexy time policy?

  10. Just sit in front of them and watch, they will either stop or they won’t, but you win.

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