Wouldn’t other guns like AKs, SKs, M-16s be used instead? Or if you ban 30 round magazines they’ll just make 29 rounds? Reminds me a lot of the unsuccessful drug laws where banning one substance just results in a potentially more dangerous analogue.

  1. An AR-15 and an M-16 are the same rifle—except the first is semi-automatic only (one shot per trigger pull) and the second is capable of multiple-round bursts or fully-automatic fire, depending on the variant.

  2. I don’t own an AR but even if they were banned I’m sure people who are really into them could still obtain them through the street or black market fairly easily. There are just so many

  3. No, and their goal isn’t to ban those types of weapons, its to ultimately ban all guns. That’s why people don’t want to start banning shit. *You give an inch and they take a mile* and all that

  4. No it’s been tried several times and the Supreme Court (or other high ranking politicians) always rule against banning these types of weapons due to the 2nd amendment. For example, Obama tried it after sandy hook and was not successful. I don’t think it will ever happen tbh.

  5. OP seems to understand that banning anything generally does not work, not to mention how would one go about collecting the ones in private hands. Buy back? Forced turn in? House to house confiscate?. None of that is going to happen in US

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