My boyfriend keeps posting unfunny videos

My ( F20) boyfriend( M21) is a car enthusiast with a pretty nice car, he works his butt off to afford nice things and he wants to try social media for some extra money. This is great and I fully support him. The problem is that he keeps posting very unfunny and poorly made skits to his channel and he’s starting to get a lot of hate. I’ve been trying to help him make videos that i know will go viral and get less hate but he refuses to take any advice. It’s come to the point where our mutual friends are coming to me and asking me “is he serious” and “you need to tell him to delete that.” I don’t want to tell him what to do and i continue to support and defend him but It’s getting to the point where im starting to get embarrassed. I know this is childish but it’s become all he talk about “will you film another video with me?” or “I uploaded a new video” and everytime i watch them i genuinely have to hold back cringe. I love him so much and i want him to be happy but i know he will not reach his goals if he continues to post this content. How do I tell him?
My boyfriend keeps posting unfunny videos and i’m getting embarrassed, how do i tell him?

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