I’ve been friends with this girl for about a year now and I really really like her. Have had no way of telling her this but it might be obvious. And she’s become really open to texting me since we’ve met.

Anyways, I was talking to her for a bit and we reached a moment of silence and she didn’t respond for a bit. Last message I sent was one of maybe forgetting something she had said but she doesn’t get mad like that. I haven’t bomboarded her. But I did send a Happy Friday message. And that was that. It shows that she’s read all of these 5 days ago. So I figured she might just need some space. She didn’t post anything on her Snap which is where we normally talk

And I’m afraid of sending her more in fear that I’m bugging her but I don’t want to cut her off either. I like her too much. I don’t want to seem like I’m mad she might want to talk to her.

Just wondering when I could try talking to her again.

1 comment
  1. If a girl ever loses intrest randomly reach out to her and ask if everything is okay. If she says yes or doesn’t respond and is still ignoring u don’t text her. Move on it’s hard to here it’s been 23 days since I cut her off and she’s in my class purposely trying to make me jealous it’s pathetic

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