I (f22) started seeing an officer in the military (m27) for like a month. We went on dates like making ice cream together, going to the farmer’s market, getting lunch, and I slept over at his place.

Things were great— we were both on the same page about dating goals (we were looking for monogamous partners). On the night that I stayed over at his place, I bought a Lego bonsai tree for us to build together. I left it over at his place because we had talked about us working on it together later in time.

He slowly started pulling away when he received orders from his command to move into the next stage of his training. I basically got tired of the miscommunication and one-sided energy from him and told him that we should stop seeing each other because I knew that we weren’t going to work out long-distance since it was so early into us dating.

I asked him if I could pick up my Lego set and he happily obliged and agreed to let me pick it up on a Saturday but when that time came around, he never texted me. The following weekday, I asked him if I could pick it up on a Thursday, and he agreed and said that it shouldn’t be a problem because he’d be home early. He sent me a little blurb about how he really liked me but thought that it was bad timing for us to continue dating because he’s leaving in 2 months. I— very annoyed by all of this— told him that I just wanted my $50 Lego set back, to which he understood and said that I could definitely pick it up later that week.

It’s been 3 days since he’s last responded to my texts and I don’t have my fucking Lego bonsai set. In total, I’ve been trying to get it back for almost 2 weeks now.

AITAH for being persistent about getting it back?? He knew that I really liked this Lego set but it’s just weird as hell that he keeps agreeing to give it back yet, can’t follow up on his word. Even more so, it’s weird that he basically ghosts me every single time that I ask for a time confirmation of pickup AFTER he’s happily agreed to let me take it back.

Why is it so hard for him to follow up on his word with this? I’m more upset about the disrespectful aspect of this situation because if you agree on a certain circumstance (i.e. giving back a Lego set), it’s a bit (I’d prefer “very” as opposed to “bit” but I digress) disrespectful to back out on that and basically go ghost for like 3 days straight.

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