Me and three others make part of a close friend group, but this annoying “friend” is trying to be a part of it. Its not only me who feels this way, everyone finds it so hard to be around him. Only I am stuck with him more than the rest because in the first year of secondary he decided we were friend and he only met the other three later.
I had always found him annoying, he always thinks he knows better, can’t admit when he’s wrong, doesn’t take my ideas seriously and is always complaining about something. As of recent hes gotten worse because he has changed his whole personality to try and fit in, but what really has happend is that he has taken the worse traits of each one of us to be more like us but its just cringe.
The worst part is that we bike the same direction from school to back home and he asked to bike together and I couldn’t say no, after a long day I don’t want to talk with anyone let alone this guy. Also he’s always inviting me to do things together and I say no to as much as I can but I cant say no forever, so for every ten 10 I say no I feel like I have to say yes once and I just hate it.
What do you guys think would be the best ways to make clear I don’t want to be friends

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