My boyfriend (17) and me (17f) have been dating for five months now.He’s a year ahead of me in school which means he will be graduating this year and leave for college next year. We’ve known each other for about 11 months since we were in a long talking stage.My boyfriend always seemed to want a relationship he would repost videos about having a long lasting relationship, he’s not the relationship type and I am his first girlfriend but he was very affectionate at the beginning of us talking and would always do the first move on me. We have a talked about our future together and we made plans about dates and wanting to go places and growing a future together but recently he has been different about it. He’s mentioned it several times about him being independent and how he felt how he felt like he wasn’t meant for this relationship stuff but i thought it was just a random thought.Two weeks ago, he communicated with me telling me that he had been overthinking a lot of how we weren’t going to last and how him going to college will affect how he felt towards our relationship because he would be focusing more on himself rather than our relationship and I told him that we could make it work regardless of him being busy and enrolling for the military but we decided to end things before he was left for college (next year) About two days ago, I was out with my boyfriend and he told me that us spending time together was only going to make him get more attached and would only make it harder since he has attachment issues. I asked him what he meant and he told me he really loves me and doesn’t want to breakup but he feels it’s best if we do because he wants to be independent and doesn’t see himself in a relationship therefore we decided to breakup earlier which is next month. Part of me feels like he is just confused and he is self sabotaging but part of me also feels like our whole relationship was just for fun.I don’t know how to feel.

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