What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever witnessed ?

  1. A woman in one of my workshops told me that she didn’t understand one of my self-learning articles. A guy barged in and condescendingly told her he had no problems with it and the exercises were soooo easy while I quickly opened the article.
    I waited till he stopped, then apologized to the woman and thanked her for her remark, since the links in the instructions were broken and it was impossible to complete the self-learning that way.

  2. One of my friends boyfriend is kinda of an exaggerator. It’s always a big fish story. He’s harmless otherwise. 6 of us are at dinner and he’s telling this story about when he was in Afghanistan in some area I can’t pronounce that was apparently super dangerous. My husband is a private military contractor. He’s listening to obvious bullshit and asked him what unit he was in. Friends BF stumbles and my husband calls him out on not being there because my husband was actually there around the time this was all supposed to take place. Where it really got embarrassing was my husband gave him an out like “hey, it’s not a big deal. Somebody has to deliver mail and cook food.” He doubled down and we eventually found out he was just a truck driver or something. It was awkward

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