My boyfriend and I just had our 2-year anniversary and we went on a camping trip to celebrate. It was a big elaborate trip we had to fly to get there. Our trip there goes perfectly, no delays and everything is on time. We get to baggage claim and we go to the wrong baggage claim by mistake. Keep in mind our right baggage claim was two ones down but instead of letting me figure it out and read the signs, he storms out and has me get everything myself.

We rent a car and he is still upset about the luggage situation even though we did end up getting everything. He was rushing me throughout every process which is why I could not find the baggage claim right the right time and we were not far from where our luggage actually was. We are not in a rush at all to get to our camp site its 10am at this point so we have plenty of time to set up camp. Yet he is still mad at me over this.

We get to the campsite and set up camp he is just in a sour mood this whole process. Criticizing me non stop for not professionally being able to set up camping equipment I have never dealt with before. When we booked this trip, I told him I was so happy to reconnect with him as I feel like we needed to get away from our life stressors and focus on just us. As soon as we set up camp, he notices our neighbors are partying so he immediately goes over and makes nice with them. But it is more than a 15 minute meet and greet he spends HOURS over there.

I am more introverted and my idea of a good time is not meeting new people especially on a trip that I envisioned to be about us reconnecting. I am also newly sober so it is hard for me to be around certain situations which include socializing with strangers and being around people who are partying.

We had plans to go to a concert the first night we were there and he was pretty drunk as he had been day drinking he had fell asleep and I tried to wake him up but could not get him up until 10 minutes before the concert started. We were late to the concert and I thought he would be done with the drinking but he drank more through the concert. I made a comment along the lines of maybe just have one more and be done for the night and he freaked out saying I could just watch the concert alone and that he will do his own thing. To set the scene we are in the pit of a venue that is in a completely different state with no cell phone service, I don't want to lose him at the concert and be alone.

We get back and he is apologetic and says he will not drink that much the rest of the week we are here. Yet the week goes on and he get drunk almost every single day. He spends most of the time with our neighbors at the campsite. There was one point where he told me to not follow him to the neighbor's campsite and I sat there alone, with no cell service for 2 hours while he was at the next-door campsite partying.

We got back home yesterday and today was our official anniversary and I told him I did not feel like spending the day with him because of his behavior on the trip. I told him I felt very alone on the trip and that we spent zero quality time together. He flipped out and turned it around on me. Saying I ruined our anniversary. Now we are on the cusp of breaking up the ball is in my court.

TLDR; I refused to spend my actual two year anniversary with my boyfriend due to the behavior displayed on our anniversary trip. Now we are in the do we stay and make this work or break up limbo.

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