Hey Reddit, I’ve been hanging out with this girl (let's call her Anna) from work for a while, and I’m really starting to feel a connection. She laughs at my jokes, remembers things I’ve told her, and even invited me out for coffee recently. Things have been going great—at least I think so! We went to this big event together and it was honestly the best time. We laughed, joked, and really clicked. But then something weird happened…

She mentioned her boyfriend, but it felt off. She seemed almost sad or reluctant to bring him up, which threw me off guard. She hadn’t really mentioned him much before, and when she did, it was when I brought up a topic about a mutual friend of mine. Her response was kind of defensive, like she was shutting it down before I could even say much. Now I’m left wondering: Why did she bring him up like that? Is she not happy in her relationship? Is she conflicted?

The other day, she even said she was deleting her Instagram and asked for another way to keep in touch. I gave her my Messenger, and we’ve kept talking, but I’m still wondering where things are going. Her boyfriend isn’t around at the moment, and I feel like we’re getting closer. Am I misreading her signals? Should I be taking things slower because of her situation? Or is there something more going on that she’s not saying?

And here’s the kicker: I like her. I really do. But now I’m stuck in this weird space where I don’t know how or if I should tell her. I want to be upfront without making things confusing or weird, especially since she’s mentioned her boyfriend, but at the same time, it feels like there’s more to the story.

What do you all think? Should I tell her how I feel, or just let things ride for now? Has anyone been in a situation like this before? I could really use some insight on how to approach this without making things awkward.

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