Im(F19) dating this guy(M18)
And it is a long distance relationship

He's the best best best person I could ever ask for,Am in love

We've talked for hours literally,like 12 hours a day on call etc

And from past few days he's really really sick, he has dengue.

And today haven't heard from him since the past 19 hours.

I've texted him, called him 5 times, no response

He hasn't been able to talk on call since past few days so he usually texts me a bit and sends me reels.

And gives me health updates

Today there's no updates

Im really worried

I've no friends so I'm sharing it here, considering yall are my friends and elder sisters and brothers

Im freaking out, Idk what to do

Am I overthinking?

What should I doo????

TL;DR – boyfriend is super sick and hasn't replied since long,I'm worried

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