To all women with a career and an active life outside of your home, how do you understand your duties as a wife?

  1. I don’t really have any “duties” which is why this marriage works for us. The one thing I am *expected* to do is keep the bathroom clean in exchange for my husband taking care of the cat box.

  2. Duties????

    You mean like contributing to housework and rent/bills? It’s not too hard when you’re splitting it between two people.

  3. How would the duties ‘as a wife’ be any different from duties ‘as a husband’?

  4. Can you give us an example of wifely “duties” we’re supposed to have so i can answer this weird question?

  5. I failed. Divorced now. My ex told me I’m “not a normal wife”
    Must say, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been now

  6. That’s a really outdated phrase right there.
    My spouse and I talk to each other about what needs to be done, who’s going to do it, and then do it. Relationships are about teamwork and communication, there’s no magical understanding or duties based off gender unless you *communicate* together and decide it for yourselves.

  7. I don’t remember “duties” as being part of the marriage contract I signed.

  8. I think everyone defines duties a little differently but to me I try my best to be a supportive wife by doing all the domestic tasks like cleaning, cooking, taking care of the animals, and taking care of my husband most importantly.

  9. My duty is to myself haha. Me and my partner/ husband share all other things equally as a partnership.

  10. Not necessary duties lol, but typical stuff to help eachother out. I try my best to keep the house tidy, laundry done, beds made. He usually takes care of the lawn, trash, etc. we have a house cleaner every other week so that helps so much

  11. My ‘duties’ are to treat myself with decency and respect, while being an equal partner to someone I treat the same.

  12. By avoiding relationships with anyone who thinks in terms of “wifely duties”. 🤮

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