What was the moment you realised your friends love you (romantically or platonically)?

  1. Years ago, my first serious boyfriend dumped me four days before Valentine’s Day. My friend canceled her Valentine’s Day plans with her boyfriend and took me out to dinner, bought me flowers, and we watched my favorite movie. She wasn’t the greatest friend the rest of the time, but that day really made me feel loved.

  2. my husband and I got into a bad fight, got physical. my family all said they won’t speak to me if I dont divorce him when word got out. All except for my best friend aka my sister.

    we were texting one night and I was telling her I didnt know what to do and she said “I will stick by your side no matter what, and Im sure as hell not leaving it now. There’s no correct answer, so however you decide to move forward I will fully support you”

    Nowadays, Christmas, birthdays, the only family that comes around, every holiday or occasion, and never misses one for the world, is my sister. She is my best friend.

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