Let me start by saying I have really bad social anxiety and I’m very shy. Today at work as I was getting ready to go home as second shift was starting to arrive. I was walking through the shop towards the time clock and I noticed one of the women from second shift walking in my direction. I usually just look down when I walk but when I could tell she was close I looked up and made eye contact. She was looking at me and smiled a little bit and said hey. Stupidly I just looked away, didn’t say anything and kept walking.


I immediately regretted doing that but the reason why I did it is because in the back of my head I thought maybe she was looking at someone else behind me and was talking to them instead. I basically knew there wasn’t anyone else close by but I guess my anxiety convinced me it would be better to say nothing at all than to take the chance of speaking when she wasn’t even talking to me. On top of that she is very attractive and that made me even more nervous.


This is actually the second time something like this has happened with this woman. The first time she said ” Hey. How are you” and although I did smile I didn’t say anything because there were a few people standing nearby and I thought maybe she was talking to one of them. She is fairly new here, I think she hired in less than two months ago. I didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot but it looks like I already have.


Maybe this is less of a question than me just venting about this but I guess I’m just wondering what to do next. It’s completely out of character for me to go up to someone and try to talk to them but I just wonder if I should try to talk to her and ask her name or something like that. Im worried that she might be upset about me blowing her off today and it might make the conversation even more awkward than it would have been anyway.

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