What kind of women are you scared of taking for granted? What makes some women stand out then others in dating? What kinds of women makes you want to commit to them?

  1. I think all people need to maintain their mental health, be respectful, learn proper communication. But as a woman, outside of those things, please don’t change who you are for a man. Any man that doesn’t respect and love you for who you are isn’t the one for you.

  2. I think it’s more common for one person to treat all women with a certain level of respect than to vary it too much. Like disrespectful people are disrespectful and respectful people are respectful. That said, people tend to be friendlier towards ~~people~~ *strangers* who are more physically attractive. It’s just true. It’s not good, but it’s true. Regardless of gender.

  3. It’s like this: I treat everyone with the same respect and kindness, but I don’t have close connections with all of them.

    Whether it is someone I pass on the street, someone working in a store, or a friend, they are all deserving of the same level of respect.

    However, I am closer to my friends than a stranger, and even closer still to my girlfriend. And even closer still to my family.

    It’s not a different level of treatment, but instead a different type of connection.

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