My best friend is a successful and busy professional who makes very good money. He did not have a prenup w/ his wife who does not work. She did raise their child and shared house work with a domestic helper.

She also did yoga/spa/nail/afternoon tea, etc., and is fairly liberal with LVs and Chanels. They had a strained relationship and crappy sex life in recent years and finally divorced with her taking most of his money. This shook him pretty hard.

Now I understand the idea that you are supposed to share your goodies with your spouse and all that, but the law doesn't care if both sides are contributing their share. It's absolutely silent when the wife does not provide care, love, sex or emotional support. It does nothing but ripping off the guy (technically it's the one making more money like the Britney-KFed situation, but let's be real 99% of the time it's the guy).

In ancient times people talk about "death do us part" so I see why the law is what it was, but now divorces and affairs are so common. In fact I would argue that the law has created a lot more gold diggers who do not have to be, turning "marriage" from a cornerstone of society into a massive scam and injustice.


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