I read so much about people having issues in their relationships, and it saddens me. So, I’ve decided to share one of the secrets of our relationship…

I kiss my wife before and after sleeping.
Before and after leaving the house.
While she works (we both work from home), to remind her that she can take a break and relax with me.

I kiss her while we’re cooking. While waiting for something to finish, we turn on Alexa, dance, and hug to the music… unless our youngest (2.8 years old) runs over and says "my mama," pushing me away—his adorable way of claiming her attention, haha!
When it’s just the two of us, we sneak in a long French kiss… and I also give her a little squeeze.

We kiss after laughing together. It feels like a way to lock in the joy, like saying, "I love laughing with you."
We kiss after an argument, as a way to say, "We’re okay. We’re a team."

We even kiss after buying something, like a little celebration of a shared accomplishment "Yes! We did it!"

We kiss when our kids make us laugh, because those moments are pure happiness, and it feels right to share it in that way.
And we kiss when our kids are sick, as a way of saying, "We’re in this together, taking care of them."

When one of us is sick, worried, or feeling down, the kiss is a silent message: "I’m here for you. I’ve got you."

All these little kisses, these small gestures of love, make us feel connected. They remind us, in all the ups and downs of life, that we’re there for each other, through every laugh, every challenge, every ordinary moment.

Why this matters: these kisses aren’t grand romantic gestures, but they are powerful because they happen in everyday moments. They’re small, consistent reminders of love and support, which help us stay connected and feel cared for. It’s not just about passion but about showing that we’re present for each other, emotionally and physically, throughout the day.

These little acts strengthen our bond, helping us feel close even during life’s most chaotic moments.

Add a few kisses here and there… hug your partner for no readon.

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