Particularly wondering about work situations, but any are relevant. Particularly how do you want other people watching but not participating to respond.

Tell the person off immediately? Say/do nothing? Say nothing, then talk to you or report it later? How would different social rankings change this, such as boss vs employee vs coworker?

  1. Point it out immediately if it makes sense contextually, and wouldn’t escalate into a fight.

    Otherwise report to HR. I don’t even think I’d recommend talking to the person about it first

  2. If you feel like somebody is being “attacked” right infront of your eyes, as an adult I think you can and should step in! At least to support the one who is being verbaly attacked/intimidated etc. If it’s a small thing but still hurtful, you can ask them in a polite way what they meant exactly, maybe it’s just a missunderstanding. If the person who is experiencing the sexism doesn’t step up for themselves you can always try to help them in a non hostile way. If they ask you not to help them or smt it’s better to walk away, but trying never hurts.

  3. Where you can you should point it out as unacceptable behaviour. Or at least report it to HR or the person’s manager.

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