I walk into a store to exchange/return pants that didn’t fit me. I didn’t have a receipt, but from personal experience it’s usually not a problem if you have the card you paid with or they let you exchange it for a item the same value. I tell her I don’t have the receipt, and she immediately rolls her eyes and starts asking me questions like “why don’t you have it?” . I eventually agree to exchange it, and while I’m looking for something to exchange, her eyes won’t stop looking at me. It’s extremely uncomfortable and annoying. I go to exchange my item and she’s haggling me for my information to join up for some email/text subscription service. I keep telling her I’m not interested, but she keeps pushing it and I eventually give in. She then lies to my face and says it’s not a equal exchange, and pulls out the whole classic “ I’ll do you a favor just this once”. I almost snapped, but was able to keep my cool, it honestly feels like bullshit, because 9/10 you always look like the entitled customer if you snap on a minimum wage retail employee. Then you later have to be escorted out by security or the cops called. Never had many issues shopping retail, but this experience really got to me.

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