Background: met a guy through a friend in March, have texted/communicated with him every day since. He asked me out back in April and we had a great first date, but he said he wasn't ready to jump into a "serious commitment" any time soon because he is still processing a long-term relationship from about a year ago. I told him I understood, as I am open to casually dating and have also experienced grieving a former fiancé a few years ago. I caught some feels (both giddy and anxiety) and we had a tough conversation where we both agreed we should just be friends (#rip), because he's still not over his relationship. We're closer than ever, continue to talk every day, and have plans to hang soon.

I enjoy the friendship, I've let go of the dating aspect because of our honest conversation (I am not looking to date someone emotionally unavailable), but I continue to be sexually attracted to him. I'm considering a FWB situation, which would be new to me. I would be hurt if he was making other connections. Ideally, it would be FWB with me only, which I know sounds…relationship-y. Can men communicate thoughtfully and consistently throughout the day with multiple women? Do men usually have a singular FWB, or multiple? Would this be an unfair ask? I'm trying to let go of overthinking this connection and just go with the flow, but want to protect myself. Thanks for any advice or insight!

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