So me and my bf for reference are 17 year old. We don't have our licenses but we are working on them. We aren't long distance but short distance (30 minutes). School has started recently and it has been busy on both ends. He is currently starting at a community college. There were a good 3 days last week he was gone the majority of the day working on homework and doing his thing. I also work so when he takes breaks they happen when I'm working.

I miss him a lot, I figured we would go back to texting more especially over the weekend. I am a part time employee and worked 4 days in a row, he kinda just sits at home, i'll get home around 9:30 to text and talk and he's about to go to bed.

I know how needs it. I'm just scared of our relationship dying, it feels fine now but it could be better, hes tired and distance, im stressed and dealing with anxious attachment issues. so i apologize if i sound a bit crazy. does anyone have like any recommendations on how to increase communication?

TL;DR My boyfriend and I have been busy with things like school and work, and we aren't talking much, I just want the connection back.

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