So I met this girl in college, i'm (19M) and she is (18F). At first I saw that she was looking at me when in class, but she is the one that spoke to me and made a compliment about how smart I was in one of my classes. She approached me and eventually we met each other. She wanted to go at the cafeteria with me for a coffee at the break and I even paid for it just to be nice. It was a great opportunity for us to know more about each other. In the afternoon tho, things were higher. She greeted me and sat down next to me while wearing revealing clothes, something that she never did before. We spent a good time in class and when I told her about the geography homework we had, she showed me a greek mythology about love, something we didn't even study in class. At the break tho, it was a bit more awkward, we didn't speak much and didn't have much to say but we walked together in college. Also, one detail that is interesting to me is that she is a lot on her cellphone texting someone and sending class notes, while whenever I take my phone out she constantly tries to take a peek at what I'm doing, but she hides her phone when I do the opposite. End of the class was a bit boring, we didn't look much at each other and just listened to the rest of the class, like if she was a bit upset or something, and tommorow I have a class with her. I'm overthinking about what I did wrong, what if this is just to play around and nothing else, what if she is not itnerested in me. Idk what to do now honestly, and I also never asked for social media or whatever, I think it's a bit early to do that.

TL;DR: Met a girl in college, spent some time with her, now i'm overthinking if I did something bad or if it dosen't work out with her.

1 comment
  1. She spoke to you first, she complimented you, she wanted to get coffee with you, she sat by you….why are you making her do all the work? She probably thinks you are not interested because that’s how you’re acting. She’s made all this effort and you’re doing nothing. You should not beoverthinking what you’ve done—you should be thinking about all the stuff you have not done. Make some effort. It’s a massive turn off to be the one doing everything and not have the other person do a damn thing—it makes you feel awful.

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