I have been dating my girlfriend for almost 2 years. She talks about moving in together around February next year. This is my first long-term relationship and I have been living alone since 2012. I've got so used to living alone that the thought of sharing space with someone else gives me great anxiety. I constantly go back and forth in my head if she's the "one" to marry. Some days it's a definitive "no, you shouldn't do this" others are "maybe you should just try and see how it goes", like maybe there's something mental holding me back from moving in with someone. I know she will probably break up with me if I don't move in with her, which is honestly understandable given how long we've been dating.

There's things I worry about, we have different sex drives and despite her making about six figures, she's had to borrow money from her parents in the past year. The latter concerns me a lot, she does spend more on rent than me because she lives in a 1br house, but it's not that much more and she makes far more than I do and makes me wonder how this would work in a marriage where we share finances.

I've been having really bad anxiety everyday I'm not with her thinking about this, from the moment I wake up until the time I go to bed.

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