but still he doesn’t want me to stop?

ok so I’m 23F and a bit autistic so I’m gonna ask reddit how to interpret this.

I’ve only met this guy(22M) 4 times, but he’s super sweet and we have fun together. We kiss, have slept together and act a bit coupely in public. I’ve also met another guy 3 times, but we haven’t done anything physical, only hung out. Both of them I met through Hinge. I told 22M about this yesterday, when I asked what he thought of our relationship since I wasn’t sure he was looking for FWB, if it was a romantic vibe etc. He said we are dating. I asked if he was seeing someone else and he said NO lol, and I told him that I have. I met them both for the first time on the same week, and told him this much. He told me that he doesn’t like me seeing someone else, but that I’m a free woman and can do as I wish. I told him that I want to take things slow, but that I like him and the chemistry we have. He said he felt the same. Then I slept on it and realized that if he’s uncomfortable I of course will prioritize him and dating exclusively with him, cause I value what we have.

I went to his work today, brought chocolate and some flowers for him and told him that I prioritize his company and if he is uncomfortable with me seeing other people I have no problem ending it with them. He said that he was very happy that I was honest with him etc, that he also wants to take things slow, and even though he doesn’t like me meeting other people that I should continue doing it. I’m a bit confused. I said that he has to be open with me if he wants me to stop and he said ok. We chatted for like 30 minutes before I left(and he was superhappy about the flowers, hehe).

I am having trouble understanding him and the situation, and I really don’t know what to make of it. Do you have any takes?

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