Women who have gotten big/lots of tattoos, what’s the worst comment you’ve gotten?

  1. Sometimes people catcall/sexually harass me over mine, which is annoying and occasionally scary. And I’ve had some old people say typical stuff about how I “might regret [the tattoos] someday” or they won’t look good when I’m old or whatever. Nobody has said anything about them that has actually changed my opinion about them or anything; I still love all of mine and am deeply happy with all of them.

  2. I only have tattoos of animals. One time in a petstore, this old lady kept staring at one on my ankle.

    Her: Is that a mouse?
    Me: No, it’s a rat.
    Her: Eeeew! (Loudly.)

    And then she walked away again.

    Lady, what the fuck? I was minding my own business but you just had to tell me your opinion about what I decide to put on my body. Someone should have taught you better manners.

  3. the classic: “you’re gonna regret them when you’re older!”

    Cutest was when a kid asked me if I colored one of mine in myself. Her mom has a similar design but hers is black and white while mine is very colorful lol

  4. I spent the better part of the work day freehanding and outlining a dragon backpiece on a woman in her early twenties. She had several pieces on her back she had received from a kitchen wizard that we were covering as well so that raised the difficulty level a couple notches. Her boyfriend and best friend hung out, chatted and watched movies all evening while we worked. All in all not a bad time… until it was time to pay.

    As we finished up and put the bandage on she turned to me and said, “So I get paid next Tuesday… is it ok if I come back then and pay you?” I laughed because obviously she was joking. She had to be joking. She better be joking. When I realized she wasn’t I said, “No, that’s not how this works. Somebody is going to pay before any of you leave.”

    She turned to her boyfriend and asked, “You’ve got this, right?” He laughed and said, “You know damn well I don’t have any money!” She looked to her best friend who conveniently found something interesting on the ceiling so she was no help. The client then turned back to me, puffed up a bit trying to look more serious than I did and asked “Well what are you going to do if we just leave? You can’t keep us here!” I figured this was going to be her next course of action. She was right, I couldn’t detain them… it gets into a grey area near the border of kidnapping and not something I wanted to chance but what I did do was point out to her that I had her release form with all of her information and a photocopy of her ID. I let her know the second they walk out the door I would contact the police and report them for “theft of services.”

    Thinking it over for a few minutes they sat back down and she started making phone calls trying to scrape together the cash to avoid police involvement. About an hour later, a half hour past closing, a guy shows up with a fist full of bills for me and that’s when all hell breaks loose! Her last ditch effort it seems, was to call the guy she was cheating on her boyfriend with…

    The guy throws the money on the counter and starts a screaming match with the client and the boyfriend, while the best friend just stands there yelling at everyone! Their use of adjectives was impressive. Somehow I mange to wrangle this herd of cats out the door so I can lock up the shop. By the time I got everything closed down the screaming match had turned into a fist fight in the parking lot and someone at the fast food joint a few doors down called the cops anyway. Shop locked up, money in hand, I noped the fuck out and let the cops do their do. Thankfully I never saw any of ‘em again.

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