Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/xCfKN7H3Xf

After getting some good advice on here, I just decided to go for it and message her directly about what happened and asked if she wanted to talk about it. She immediately called me on video chat wondering when I was finally going to say something! We had a really good conversation about everything and kinda started diving into some personal feelings for each other we either surpressed or ignored.

Either way, we both came to the same conclusion; that we want to give this a try and see where it goes. I contemplated if this was possibly just a knee jerk reaction to feelings of lust or confusion after an intimate interaction, but after doing some soul searching the past couple days I realized it's more than that.

She's everything I've been looking for. The time we spend together is always full of fun experiences and laughter. She understands me and we can talk about anything. I'm comfortable around her and feel like she's my safe space when I need to let it out. She's my best friend, and while I don't expect that to be the reason this works, I think it's going to be good for me to finally be romantically involved with someone I know makes me happy already. At the end of the day, that's all I care about.

Thanks again for those who offered support on my first post. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me <3

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