My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and and he’s not happy with how often we have sex. He has brought this up quite a lot, but now he’s kind of given me the ultimatum that if things don’t change then he’s going to leave. I’ve found this really difficult because I know that the cause of my low drive is my contraceptive pill. I’ve explained this to him, and he says he cares but he still expects it at least 4 times a week from a partner. I’m stuck on what to do, because I’ve had issues with different pills in the past due to mental health reasons, and everything about my current pill is great except the libido part. I’m also anxious about coming off of it because of the side effects. I do try and make an effort to sleep with him more, but he’s brought it up so often now that it just makes me feel icky kind of puts me off wanting to sleep with him. It just makes me feel guilty, and I think about it every time we hangout cause I know he’s wanting and expecting sex. I really don’t want to break up with him, but I just don’t know what else to do.

TL:DR – My boyfriend says I don’t have sex with him enough

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