Hi there,

I would consider myself as a kind and friendly but just introvert 20 yo girl. I live with 17 other roommates. I do not have too many friends, but I neither have none.

When I want or have to be social, I am actually really great at it. And I always can have a conversation with anyone, at work, uni, everywhere.

But I noticed, being a student at my age, the social standard is to be (imo excessively) loud, with 90% small talk aboit drugs, parties and sex. And honestly I just do not care too much about it.

I do go out to events, have a busy life but just not only filled with having parties and drinking alcohol.

The problem is, I always can keep up a good convo, especially with guys, it feels like they are waaaay more welcoming then girls most of the times. Like in my studenthouse I currently live, I got multiple feedback from the guys that tgey appreciated a “quieter” and “more dedicate/serious” girl, and they thought i’m nice. While the other girls are all very loud and present. Im treating everyone the same, boy or girl does not matter.

But I’ve got this feeling the girls are excluding me (on purpose?) i’ve got multiple examples and it is getting quiet annoying, some are treating me as if they think they’re ‘more’ than me.

I just hate Im being more quiet and easygoing. I just don’t feel the need to always scream about bullshit. And I appreciate a genuine conversation much much more. But it feels like some of the girls are really excluding me in a groupsetting, and most of the time one-on-one they are kind?

Do you have any tips? I dont want to feel overruled or excluded anymore? And do more people feel the same about it? And can me being more introverted be the reason they exclude me on (purpose)?

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